Please review our full terms contained on our Terms of Service page. Weather Today Weather Hourly 14 Day Forecast Yesterday/Past Weather Climate (Averages) Currently: 86 ☏. We further caution that our travel scores are only as good as the data that underpin them, that weather conditions at any given location and time are unpredictable and variable, and that the definition of the scores reflects a particular set of preferences that may not agree with those of any particular reader. Past Weather in Sun City, Arizona, USA Yesterday and Last 2 Weeks. While having the tremendous advantages of temporal and spatial completeness, these reconstructions: (1) are based on computer models that may have model-based errors, (2) are coarsely sampled on a 50 km grid and are therefore unable to reconstruct the local variations of many microclimates, and (3) have particular difficulty with the weather in some coastal areas, especially small islands. These daily summaries provide a cumulative precipitation estimate from 1200GMT yesterday to 1200 GMT (daily) or 1200 GMT 7 days ago to 1200 GMT today (weekly).

We draw particular cautious attention to our reliance on the MERRA-2 model-based reconstructions for a number of important data series. We assume no responsibility for any decisions made on the basis of the content presented on this site. Weather data is prone to errors, outages, and other defects. Still, Phoenix received more rain in a single day than they usually get in the entire month of the September. That record was set on July 2, 1911, at 4.98 inches. The information on this site is provided as is, without any assurances as to its accuracy or suitability for any purpose. Although the rainfall total for September 8 was the highest amount recorded for a single calendar day, it came in second for 24-hour rainfall, according to The Arizona Republic. See all nearby weather stations Disclaimer Accessed September 9, 2014.The details of the data sources used for this report can be found on the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport page. National Weather Service, Phoenix, Arizona. Phoenix sees wettest day on record, widespread flooding shuts down interstates. *After subsequent analysis, the National Weather Service later revised the total to 3.30 inches in a 7-hour period. An Arizona Republic headline characterized the storm as "a slow-moving disaster." On September 9, communities from Phoenix to Tuscon were mopping up from the natural disaster, which had closed schools, left highways littered with abandoned vehicles, required multiple water rescues, flooded some 200 homes, and led to two fatalities, according to news reports. Customize table to display other current-condition parameters 1 hour 4 hours 12 hours 24 hours 2 days 7 days 28 days Government Cyprus HW/TW near New Gascony, AR 07/04 09:30 CDT 0.12 5. Cumulative Rainfall Time Frame Radar Overlay Opacity Opacity Value: 0.

Current Weather Rain Totals 24hr max-min Temp & Dew point map. NWS radar overlays for 24-168 hours represent a total ending at 12UTC on or before the indicated gage-data date. Radar Loop National Radar Map For Current Radar, See: NWS NOTE: We are diligently working to improve the view of local radar for Buckeye - in the meantime, we can only show the US as a whole in static form. By the next day (bottom), the shallow wash was virtually dry. Find our interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide. Precipitation Report for All FCDMC Rain Gages This report contains 6-hour and 24-hour. Flash flooding in Mesa, Arizona, on September 8 (top).